Saturday, February 21, 2009


Ladies and gentlemen..
I present to you, Miss Rihanna's de-shaped face.

It's horrifying I know. I dont think her mom can recognize her. =\

This is just sick.
Poor girl. Get well soon hun.

Is it just me or is Chris Brown a fucking monster?

For some of you who have been living under the rock, here's some news for you.
It has been reported that Rihanna was assaulted by her boyfriend, singer Chris Brown in the hours leading up to this month's Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.

At the moment, Brown is being investigated for domestic violence, assault resulting in great bodily injury, and attempted murder based on Brown’s supposed threat to kill her and then strangling her until she passed out.

I personally am deeply disgusted by this.
I mean if you cant treat your girlfriend well, then DONT FREAKIN' GET ONE!
Violence is never a solution. Try pee-ing on her bed for a change.



Jia Xing said...

I can't imagine her singing "Umbrella" with that face.

What the hell is wrong with Chris Brown?

LipChunG said...

i think he shud just go jump off a offence to his fans but that's how disappointed i am..

Screen Doors McKinney said...

Lovely blog you havve here